Resources for Kindergarten Readiness

Going to Kindergarten - Gratiot

Going to Kindergarten - Isabella

Michigan Information about Preparing for Kindergarten
A Michigan website that provides resources and answers many questions parents have when their child is about to enter kindergarten.

A Michigan website that is a wealth of information about child development and resources available to families in Michigan.

Preparing for Kindergarten
A list of milestones to inform caregivers about areas children transitioning to kindergarten can work towards.

Read, Write, Roar
A website with activities and resources to support all children in their development, including those transitioning to kindergarten.

Sesame Street in Communities
A website with activities and resources to support child development (this particular link takes you straight to the kindergarten readiness resources.)

Transition activities for summer
Examples of the kind of experiences that benefit children getting ready for kindergarten.

Gratiot/Isabella Great Start Collaborative Newsletter Registration